More updates from IPOS: Extension of the IP Fast Track Program

By Shanthen Jegatheesan

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) has announced an extension of the SG IP FAST Track Programme (“SG IP FAST”). What’s that you ask? Check out our previous article on it here:

This highly advantageous program will be extended for two years from 30 April 2022 to 30 April 2024!

Anyone who comes up with new technology, logos or designs and wants to protect it would naturally want to register it to obtain the relevant IP rights. But for many, the process of obtaining the grant of an IP right can be lengthy.

Here’s your chance to shave a substantial amount of time off that lengthy process.

By extending SG IP FAST, inventors and innovators in all technology fields can still use the program to get their patents granted in as fast as six months (provided the application is first filed in Singapore). And that’s just for patents, for trademarks it can be registered in merely 3 months and designs as quickly as a month!

Still not convinced? Well, it might help to know that, until further notice, this request for an accelerated application has no official fee – that’s right, it’s free!

Interested? Here are some of the latest requirements on how you can qualify:


  • Application must be first filed in Singapore, i.e., no priority claim.
  • Applicant must provide reason(s) for requesting the acceleration.
  • Application must contain 20 or fewer claims.
  • The request falls within the cap on the number of requests per month (10 requests), with a limit of 2 requests per entity.


  • Request for acceleration must be filed within 12 months of the applicant being notified that their patent application has been placed on SG IP FAST (mind you, this window for filing the request was previously 1 month!)
  • Applicant must inform IPOS of the request for acceleration via ad-hoc correspondence on the IPOS Digital Hub immediately after the submission of trademark application, with the subject title “SG IP FAST”.
  • The application is not for a series mark.
  • The application is not for a non-conventional mark.
  • The application is not for a certification or collective mark.

Registered Designs

  • Just like trademarks, the registered design application must be filed within 12 months of the applicant being notified that a patent application has been placed on SG IP FAST.
  • The applicant must inform IPOS of the request for acceleration via ad-hoc correspondence on the IPOS Digital Hub immediately after the submission of design application, with the subject title “SG IP FAST”.

For more information, check out the link below:

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