A Guide to Protecting AI-Related Technologies in Thailand

By Wipaphat S. Trossel Thailand, renowned for its rich cultural heritage, has always embraced artistic endeavors and innovative thinking. With the advent of AI, a new wave of creative possibilities has emerged, pushing boundaries and challenging traditional notions of creativity. AI-generated works harness the power of machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, […]

Myanmar Copyright Law Updates and Registration Process in 2023

The existing Copyright Act in Myanmar came into force on 24 February 1914. According to this law, copyright ownership lasts for the life of the creator plus fifty years after their death. The Act covers literary, dramatic, artistic, and musical works.

You Snooze, You Lose: Oatly AB v Pahang Pharmacy

By Kavinarasi Thavanendran Budding business owners know that registering their trademark is an essential move in order to protect their brand. But they shouldn’t get complacent, because nothing is permanent! In the case of Oatly AB v Pahang Pharmacy Sdn Bhd (2022), the premise is simple: Use it or lose it.

From Monopoly to Mandatory: Exploring Compulsory Licensing of Patents in Vietnam

By Ngan Pham   An invention is the creation of a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something or a new technical solution to an existing problem, that involves enormous intellectual and financial investment. Thus, to reward innovators and stimulate R&D activities and technological innovation, patent law grants […]

R&D Status in Malaysia: Updated Criteria and Tax Incentives

By Kavinarasi Thavanendran An amendment to Section 2 of the Promotion and Investment Act 1986 (“PIA 1986”) altered the definition of “Contract R&D Company” and “R&D Company” in Malaysia. According to PIA 1986: Contract R&D Company means, “a company which provides R&D services in Malaysia only to companies other than its related companies and approved […]

A Caffeinated Clash: Starbucks vs. Starbung

By Rachapat Sumjinda Starbucks, the world-renowned coffee chain with branches across the globe, is known for its premium quality coffee and exceptional customer service. With over 36,000 outlets globally and continued revenue growth, Starbucks is clearly doing something right. However, its prices are often considered steep, particularly among average income earners in certain countries, resulting […]