Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall…
By Megha Anand We’ve all grown up hearing grandma stories which always had a moral for us to remember. One such story is of Snow White, which when applied in today’s time, teaches budding entrepreneurs and innovators the important lesson of “speed to market”. Most entrepreneurs or innovators who come to us for assistance with […]
[BFM] Are Apps Patentable?
Listen in to this podcast to find out what what Geetha K. has to say about the protection of apps in terms of IP. Should they be protected under Patents? Copyright? Or both? Your browser does not support native audio, but you can download this MP3 to listen on your device.
Navigating Patents and Copyrights for Software

By Megha Anand The debate on the patentability of software has always surrounded inventions in the domain of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) / Computer Implemented Inventions (CII). This uncertainty can be attributed to the fact that the ICT / CII domain was a nascent and evolving technology. Hence, most patent offices did not have […]
Beware of Domain Name Scams!
Is someone claiming that another company is registering your domain name in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan? Here at KASS, many clients have reported receiving e-mails from Registrars in China stating that their trademark or company name is being used as part of a Chinese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong or other domain name application and unless […]
[Business Today] Is Software Patentable?
KIPO amends Patent Examination Guidelines for Computer Software Inventions
By Megha Anand While the liberal west has gotten more stringent with inventions in the ICT domain, the good news is that the east is embracing ICT inventions with open arms. The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) recently amended its Patent Examination Guidelines for Computer Software Inventions, thereby expanding the scope of protection for software […]