From Monopoly to Mandatory: Exploring Compulsory Licensing of Patents in Vietnam
By Ngan Pham An invention is the creation of a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something or a new technical solution to an existing problem, that involves enormous intellectual and financial investment. Thus, to reward innovators and stimulate R&D activities and technological innovation, patent law grants […]
IP in Franchising: Staying on Top in the Vietnam Franchise Race
By Ngan Pham Hundreds of domestic and foreign franchises have penetrated the Vietnam market, especially in the food & beverage, retail, and education industries, with famous brands such as KFC, Trung Nguyen Coffee, Highlands Coffee, Family Mart and Circle K establishing a strong presence. A favourable business model post-pandemic, franchising is flourishing these days.
Wonton Tussle: Who is the Real Owner Post-Mortem?
By Danush Sinnan Eng’s Char Siew Wantan Mee Pte. Ltd. v Pauline New Ping Ping [2022] SGIPOS 10 Awareness of the ownership of trademarks is important, especially if relationships between business partners sour or if the main shareholder of the business passes away. In the recent case of Eng’s Char Siew Wantan Mee Pte. Ltd. […]
Are Cover Songs An Act Of Infringement?
By Jamieson McKinnon Cover songs have always been a major part of music culture, with both famous and amateur singers across the world regularly adapting other artists work, and adding a new flavour to it. Over the years, there have been many extremely popular cover songs that have become so closely associated with the singer […]
Netflix: A binging addiction surrounding Intellectual Property
By Hoh Jerick To stream, binge and watch. These days, audiences in search of entertainment have one place in mind – Netflix. Initially an online DVD rental service provider founded in 1997, Netflix moved its major focus to providing the streaming service it is famously known for today. Rather than watching television with a strict […]
[MAICSA] Wherefore Art Thou Spiderman?
[MGCC Perspectives] Wherefore Art Thou Spider-Man?
Wherefore Art Thou Spider-Man?
By Hoh Jerick Tensions rose, jaws floored – will Spider-Man no longer be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) after the sequel “Far From Home”? The recent uproar and disagreement between Sony Pictures and Disney hinged on the fact that fans of the MCU movie series may not be able to enjoy the portrayal […]