[The Petri Dish] Caution on On-Site Plant Visits
In Malaysia, many manufacturing companies are becoming more enlightened and more aware of patent rights, trade secrets and the importance of safeguarding trade secrets against inadvertent disclosure to third parties or strangers visiting the production facilities.
[Trademart] ON-SITE PLANT VISITS – can be dangerous as confidential information can leak. Do manufacturers have such concerns?
Utility Innovations – The Lesser Known Sibling to Patents

When we talk about obtaining intellectual property rights on a new product or a process, we usually direct those rights to patents. Patent rights is a type of intellectual property rights in which the owner of an invention is awarded with a monopolistic ownership of the product or a process for a given period of […]
Offshore Security Surveillance
By Ilangkumanan Kashaban Safety and security has been a growing concern recently throughout the world. The main reason being is accidents, i.e. fire and explosions and criminal activities, such as act of terrorism and piracy. Land is not the only place for such threat, seas and oceans are getting the same as well. In past […]